11 January 2015

Need to be {challenged}?

Do you ever feel like you need a challenge... whether it's a sketch challenge, color palette challenge, technique challenge, etc... to be inspired to create?  I often feel like that... PLUS, when you participate in challenges, you often get lots of love on your layout.  Now, let's be honest, folks...  who doesn't LOVE comments on the layouts that we are so proud of?

Well, I'm here today to show off a layout I created... and you may have already guessed it - I participated in a challenge!  There are tons of challenges over at The Digichick forums...  seriously... tons.  I'd be pretty hard pressed to not find one or two (or three) to want to participate in!

I chose the Spotlight on Akizo Designs - and the best part of this challenge?  She is giving (that's right... GIVING) us a template to use!*  You can't lose here, right?  You get something super useful for FREE, and you will get a layout completed in no time! 

So, here's what I came up with.  I used Akizo's Brand New Me kit to create this...
Here's the template...
...and here's the kit!...

So what are you waiting for?  You have nothing to lose and so much to creatively gain!

Many blessings,
*I used to not use templates very much...  I had this weird idea and it wasn't truly MINE if I used a template.  What was I thinking!?  Templates are so useful... and you can truly make them super unique and totally yours.  I'm going out on a limb here... but I'm probably not the only one who has ever felt this way.  SO...  I'm here to tell you that you don't have to feel that way.  Play around with a couple.  Something like this is the perfect chance to do so...  it's FREE.  You can rotate them, pick and choose what you want to use in the template, and most of all, create a layout showcasing your awesome life in record time!  That's the point, right?  So, don't hesitate to give them a shot.  Templates are really awesome, just give them a chance!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Such a fabulous design!
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

I need to be challenged! Your layout is beautiful Heidi!